With a very heavy heart I must inform you all that Lincoln passed away Monday, after a valiant battle against a litany of medical issues, including heart worms and osteosarcoma.
For those of you that don't know about Lincoln,he was an amazingly strong, soulful, tenacious creature, that came into my life about 6 months ago.
Although our time together was brief, I experienced a powerful connection to this dog, unlike any other. I would not give this experience up for the world. Lincoln certainly taught me a thing or two........
He was found covered in fleas, with speaker wire around his neck, severely emaciated. He had been waiting to be rescued...6 years later his dream would come true. He met three people that welcomed him with open arms, and did everything humanly possible to make sure he lived his final years knowing love,friendship, a nice place to sleep, good food, and clean water.
Unfortunately, the rest of his life was 6 months..First came the heart worms, then the limp..that turned out to be cancer. We had the leg removed, but you would never know it was missing..the day after the amputation he was running around like a warrior. The biopsy came back negative in the lymph nodes..we were ecstatic. We just knew Lincoln would beat the odds of the 1 year life expectancy.... Then..three days after the amputation, his back legs started sliding around, we think he probably hurt himself running around with the other pups, trying to keep up with them. Finally, he went
down..and stayed. He went through acupuncture treatment for a week before being referred to Dr. Chauvet, a Neuro Vet, we thought possibly a slipped disk, and trust me, we had every intention of having the back surgery. I mean come on, surely he didn't go through all of this in vain?
Dr. Chauvet took another x-ray and confirmed our worst fear...the cancer had spread to his lungs. We were devastated to say the least. How cruel..to put this dog through all of this trauma, did I mention the neuter..:) just to lose him a couple of months later.
I, Derek, and Beth decided we had to do the right thing.We could not let him live like this...zero use of the back legs,and the cancer gaining on him.
Monday October 29Th around 5:30 P.M. we said goodbye to our Lincoln. He still had a sparkle in his eye until his last breath...I could go on for days about Lincoln's brilliance and strong will to live, but I'm getting misty.
You'll be sorely missed my graceful...TRUE GENTLEMAN!
Hope you're flying high.......
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