Monday, September 18, 2006


Sarasota Humane society was on tap this weekend. What an amazing show. It was "Seniors for Seniors", a new event which places Senior pets 7 years of age or older, with Senior Citizens. There is no charge to the Senior, a fund has been established that pays for the adoption. Can I just say..Older dogs and cats RULE! No potty training, or trying to pluck your shoe out of their mouth, unless of course you give them the shoe. HA They are mostly mellow,and just want to be your BEST FRIEND. I am happy to report that they had several adoptions. YEA BABY! Barbara Goodfriend was on hand to do some animal communicating, she is unbelievable! Let me just tell you non- believers, don't knock it til you try it. She did a reading with my beloved, Nigel, and I was blown away. There are simply some things that you cannot fake. So on to the best part of my show, besides the animals of course...The staff/volunteers of the Sarasota Humane Society, what a truly GROOVY group of people, I especially want to give a shout out to KERRI KOPPIN... You are awesome! This is a well oiled machine, and these guys take this shelter very seriously! If I could describe them in one word it would be TEAMWORK! I was very impressed. Keep up the good work guys......

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